Stabilise your loose dentures with dental implants in Hampshire

If you suffer from loose or ill-fitting dentures, then you will understand how uncomfortable they can be, affecting your ability to eat and speak, as well as your overall quality of life. While dentures are a cost-effective and convenient solution for tooth loss, they tend to become loose over time, causing pain and irritation. Dental implants, on the other hand, are usually an expensive alternative. But what if we told you that you can combine both treatments without spending a fortune?

Dental Implants in HampshireIf this applies to you, then denture stabilisation with dental implants in Hampshire may be the answer for you. At Dental Implants Hampshire, we use 2-4 titanium screw roots placed in your jawbone to help stabilise your dentures. Your dentures will clip on to them just like a press stud and will stay in place while you go about your day. You can then remove your dentures at night like you do normally and clip them back in the morning.

Why use dental implants?

Dental implants offer a permanent solution to missing teeth. This is because unlike regular tooth replacement options, they are firmly fixed into the jawbone creating a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth that look and feel just like your real teeth. This process not only restores your beautiful smile, but also ensures that your jawbone continues to grow and remain healthy. The implants used for stabilising your dentures work just like regular implants, protecting your jawbone and encouraging the growth of new bone tissue.

Do I need to buy a new set of dentures?

In most cases, the treatment is compatible with your existing dentures.

However, if your dentures are very old and worn, you may need to have a new one which will be customised to fit your dental implants. Your dentist will advise whether this is required and also provide information on the cost. Sometimes, it is more cost-effective to have new, customised dentures rather than work with your existing dentures.

Get in touch

If you have loose or ill-fitting dentures and you want to explore your options with dental implants in Hampshire, give us a call and we will book a consultation appointment for you.