Health benefits of dental implants in Hampshire

Whether the result of an accident, old age or disease, tooth loss can affect your self-esteem and your ability to chew and speak properly. More importantly, tooth loss can also lead to jawbone deterioration and further tooth loss. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone begins to shrink and becomes fragile due to the lack of stimulation. This way, losing teeth can also change the shape of your face causing you to look prematurely aged.

At Dental Implants Hampshire, dental implants are our treatment of choice for tooth loss since we know just how big a difference they can make in the lives of our patients. Unlike removable dentures and bridges that simply sit on the gums, dental implants in Hampshire fuse with the jawbone and protect the bone tissue from further deterioration. Dental implants are not only aesthetically pleasing but come with many health benefits.

Dental Implants in HampshireWhat are dental implants?

Dental implants are a great way to replace your missing teeth, and if properly maintained, can last a lifetime. They are small titanium posts, surgically inserted into the jawbone. Their main purpose is to replace the missing tooth roots. As they made of titanium, a material that is very compatible with bone tissue, dental implants fuse to the jawbone over time, creating a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth such as crowns, bridges or dentures. Once in place, dental implants do not differ from the rest of your teeth, with the exception that they cannot get cavities.

Health benefits of dental implants in Hampshire

Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants offer a permanent solution to tooth loss. While bridges and dentures have their benefits and uses, they need to be replaced over time. Dental implants, on the other hand, can last a lifetime if you take good care of them.

Lost teeth can cause bone loss, gum recession, and other oral problems. When a tooth is lost, the rest of the teeth start to crowd together in order to fill the gap. This can lead to crooked and misaligned teeth as well as further tooth loss over time. Dental implants can restore balance to your mouth, prevent bone loss and help keep your remaining teeth healthy and strong.