Aftercare and maintenance of your Hampshire dental implants

If you have decided to replace your missing teeth with dental implants in Hampshire, or have just had an implant procedure, you may be wondering how to take good care of your newly restored teeth. Our experienced dentists at Dental Implants Hampshire will give you all the information you need in order to take good care of your implants. The success of your dental implants depends on taking good care of them at all stages of your treatment and beyond. Here is some advice to ensure the success of your dental implant treatment.

Dental Implants in HampshireHow dental implants work

Dental implants are small, screw-shaped, titanium posts, which are surgically inserted into the jawbone where tooth roots are missing. The bone tissue bonds with the titanium, a material which is compatible with the human body, creating a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth such as crowns, bridges or dentures. Unlike other tooth replacement options that merely sit on the gums, dental implants look, feel and function exactly like natural teeth.

After you’ve got your implants

Once you’ve had your dental implants in Hampshire, our dentists will give you all the necessary information needed for getting through the healing stage. You will be advised to brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush and your dentist will give you a special antibacterial mouthwash to use for at least a week after the procedure.

You will be advised against eating hard and chewy foods in the first few days after your procedure. As your dental implants heal, you can reintroduce hard foods in your diet as you wish.

It is normal to experience swelling after the operation, however, an ice pack will help it go away. The same applies for mild bleeding. You may experience bleeding for a few hours after the operation, but it should go away on its own. If swelling and bleeding persist, please contact your dentist.

It can take between 3 to 6 months for dental implants to fuse with your jawbone, after which you can have your replacement teeth attached on top. Taking good care of your dental implants and visiting your dentist regularly, will help you get through the healing process without any problems. The same goes for after your treatment is complete.