Same Day Teeth with dental implants in Hampshire

Are you contemplating dental implants, but feel reluctant to go through a lengthy procedure? You can now have dental implants and replacement teeth on the same day, even if your natural teeth have to be removed. From single tooth replacement to a full arch of teeth, Same Day Teeth with dental implants in Hampshire can be installed easily and efficiently.

At Dental Implants Hampshire, our experienced dentists will use innovative technology to plan your dental implants with precision. Modern technology powered by computer imaging enables our team to place your dental implants, and construct and place your replacement teeth in just one day. Your self-confidence and appearance will be restored in one dental appointment.

Dental Implants in HampshireOur procedure for Same Day Teeth

First, you will meet with one of our experienced dentists to discuss your dental needs and expectations. They will review your medical and dental history, take x-rays, and take impressions of your mouth in order to create a temporary mould. Healthy bone tissue is really important to ensuring long-lasting, stable dental implants.

Highly detailed images captured by our CT scanner will reveal the quantity and quality of your existing bone, the position of your sinuses and provide detailed information about your teeth and gums. This information will help them precisely plan, angle, dimension and position of your dental implants.

During the same appointment, your dentist will discuss sedation options such as oral or IV sedation. Sedation is not required, and most patients won’t feel uncomfortable during or after the procedure because local anaesthetic is used. However, nervous patients can be sedated.

After this, you will be scheduled for your implant surgery. Your dentist will extract teeth, if necessary, before the surgery, and will place your dental implants and replacement teeth one after the other. Two weeks after surgery, you will return to the dental practice for a quick follow-up examination. After the dental implants have fully healed, usually in about 4-6 months, you will get your final teeth placed. However, you can use your temporary teeth as normal until then.

Want to learn more about Same Day Teeth with dental implants in Hampshire? Give us a call today.